Why does KidArt need a subscription?
KidArt allows you to store up to 20 photos for free. You must subscribe to store unlimited photos. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
What happens to my photos if I cancel my subscription?
Nothing at all! You can cancel your subscription or even delete the KidArt app. Your photos will remain in your Photos library. Unfortunately, Apple does not provide photo caption integration, so any captions you add in KidArt can only be viewed in the app.
How do I cancel my subscription?
Open the Settings app. Tap the top entry for your iCloud account. Tap Subscriptions. After canceling, your subscription will remain active until it was set to expire.
Why am I being asked to subscribe again?
Your subscription record may be lost. Tap the Restore purchase option on KidArt’s subscription screen to lookup your previous purchase. Note that purchases are tied to iCloud accounts. If it turns out that your subscription has expired, you will have to subscribe again.
Can I get a refund?
All app payments go through Apple, and Apple also manages all refunds. See: